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The Receiver of memory rules

Jonas receiver of memory

1.Go immediately at the end of the school hours each day to the Annex entrance behind the House of Old and present yourself to the attendant.

  • To make sure that its is Jonas and not someone else.

2.Go immediately to your dwelling at the conclusion of training hours each day.

  • So that Jonas will not tell someone secretly about his training.

3.From this moment you are exempted from rules governing rudeness.You may ask any questions of any citizen and you will receive answers.

  • he is allowed to ask but he is not allowed to tell.

4.Do not discuss your traning with any other members of the community including parents and Elders.

  • Because he might mention something in his training that he was not suppose to mention.

5.From this moment you are prohibited from dream telling.

  • Because if he does tell about his dream he could lose his job because the dream might be related to his training.

6.Except for illness or injury unrelated to your training,do not apply for any medication

  • Because he might lose his memories.

7.You are not permitted to apply for release.

  • If he applies for release there will be no receiver of memory because Jonas is the only receiver of memory.

8.You may lie.

  • Because he shouldn’t tell them what is he doing in his training and Jonas should come up with a created dream because some of his dreams are related to his training.

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